Monday 13 December 2010

Top 3 Android phones to compete with iPhone!

With an Operating System that was more popular than Apple's last time we looked - Google Android phones are big and growing quickly. The software is made by Google but gets embedded in phones from all over the price range. Here are 3 of the top offerings, all capable of rivalling the iPhone 4.
Skimming down the list, the big-hitting Android phones are largely made by Chinese manufacturers HTC, though we also have a contender apiece from Sony Ericsson and Motorola. Lots of more affordable Android handsets are made by the likes of Samsung
Compared to the iPhone Android weaknesses tend to be the battery life - the high-functioning phones will eat through the energy unless you turn off functions like push notifications.
Arguably the Android app store's easy-going attitude to apps means that there's no quality control and the variety of handsets means that some apps can render weirdly. 
The strengths? Well they are usually cheaper, there's greater choice of handsets and contracts and Android apps are on average cheaper than iPhone ones. Oh yes and you're not tied into iTunes and as far as we know, the other phones don't have aerial problems.

1st. Nexus S (Google Phone)

2nd. HTC Desire

3rd. Sprint HTC Evo

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